81st Oscar



己故的Heath Ledger得獎,更令全場感動。

最後「一百萬零一夜」成為大贏家,令我深深感動的是監製Christian Colson道出了一套電影的成功需要上百人的努力,而他們的團隊一起上台感受得獎那刻,也讓人深深感動,明白他們一起的努力,正如Christian Colson說,這電影當初沒有資金、沒有明星、沒有權力,只靠兩樣東西完成:熱誠及信念。


Christian Colson's Speech (from Oscar.com):

Thank you so much to the Academy. As you can see, our film was a collaboration between hundreds of people. I'm so happy that so many of them could be with us here tonight to share this moment. Together, we've been on an extraordinary, an extraordinary journey. When we started out, we had no stars, we had no power or muscle. We didn't have enough money, really, to do what we wanted to do. But what we had was a script that inspired mad love in everyone who read it. We had a genius for a director. We had a cast and a crew who were unwavering in their commitment and whose talents are up on the screen for all of you to see. We had partners in Film4, in Celador, in Pathé and Fox Searchlight, who had the courage to support us. And we had a shared love for the extraordinary city of Mumbai, where we made the movie. Most of all, we had passion and we had belief, and our film shows that if you have those two things, truly anything is possible. I want to thank, on a personal note, my mum and my dad for all their love and support over the years. I want to thank my girl, Saskia Mulder, who is my partner in crime and the light in my life. And I want to thank all of you very much indeed. Thank you.





Tea Buffet @ Marriott