100 Movie Quotes
100 "I'm king of the world!" - Leonardo DiCaprio
(Titanic 1997)
59 "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again." - Vivien Leigh
(Gone with the Wind 1939)
我喜愛Gone with the wind的程度,可達至每一個細節都不能遺忘的狀態,Scarlett在看到家園被毀,手中握著家園的泥土說的這句話,更深深刻入心中。
58 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - Al Pacino
(The Godfather: Part II 1974)
Godfather系列在我腦中已經開始印象模糊,但這樣有意思的說話,再加上出自Al Pacino的口中,怎也不會忘記。
56 "A boy's best friend is his mother." - Anthony Perkins
(Psycho 1960)
44 "I see dead people." - Haley Joel Osment
(The Sixth Sense 1999)
40 "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Tom Hanks
(Forrest Gump 1994)
37 "I'll be back." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
(The Terminator 1984)
31 "After all, tomorrow is another day!" - Vivien Leigh
(Gone with the Wind 1939)
我實在太喜歡Gone with the wind,這句說話是Scarlett的口頭襌,更完完全全表達出她的性格,沒有這句對白,Scarlett這個角色便沒有了靈魂了!
22 "Bond. James Bond." - Sean Connery
(Dr. No 1962)
其實這是所有鐵金剛電影必定出現的對白,我想這世界該沒有多少人不認識James Bond。
10 "You talkin' to me?" - Robert De Niro
(Taxi Driver 1976)
我常常講的版本是「are you talking to me?」。
1 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Clark Gable
(Gone With the Wind 1939)
也是出自Gone with the wind,當Rhett對Scarlett徹底死心,最諷刺在這一刻Scarlett才知道自己一直以來是深愛Rhett,懇求Rhett不要離開時,Rhett扔下這一句便走了。這個結局讓世界上不少人希望故事能延續下去,但就算是原作者再將此故事延續,都沒有了那種味道及感覺了。
100 "I'm king of the world!" - Leonardo DiCaprio
(Titanic 1997)
59 "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again." - Vivien Leigh
(Gone with the Wind 1939)
我喜愛Gone with the wind的程度,可達至每一個細節都不能遺忘的狀態,Scarlett在看到家園被毀,手中握著家園的泥土說的這句話,更深深刻入心中。
58 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - Al Pacino
(The Godfather: Part II 1974)
Godfather系列在我腦中已經開始印象模糊,但這樣有意思的說話,再加上出自Al Pacino的口中,怎也不會忘記。
56 "A boy's best friend is his mother." - Anthony Perkins
(Psycho 1960)
44 "I see dead people." - Haley Joel Osment
(The Sixth Sense 1999)
40 "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Tom Hanks
(Forrest Gump 1994)
37 "I'll be back." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
(The Terminator 1984)
31 "After all, tomorrow is another day!" - Vivien Leigh
(Gone with the Wind 1939)
我實在太喜歡Gone with the wind,這句說話是Scarlett的口頭襌,更完完全全表達出她的性格,沒有這句對白,Scarlett這個角色便沒有了靈魂了!
22 "Bond. James Bond." - Sean Connery
(Dr. No 1962)
其實這是所有鐵金剛電影必定出現的對白,我想這世界該沒有多少人不認識James Bond。
10 "You talkin' to me?" - Robert De Niro
(Taxi Driver 1976)
我常常講的版本是「are you talking to me?」。
1 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Clark Gable
(Gone With the Wind 1939)
也是出自Gone with the wind,當Rhett對Scarlett徹底死心,最諷刺在這一刻Scarlett才知道自己一直以來是深愛Rhett,懇求Rhett不要離開時,Rhett扔下這一句便走了。這個結局讓世界上不少人希望故事能延續下去,但就算是原作者再將此故事延續,都沒有了那種味道及感覺了。