Tea Buffet @ Marriott

我非常喜歡食Tea Buffet,更喜歡找尋那些從下午1時開始吃至6時的buffet,可以hea足一天,悠悠閒閒,一次滿足早午晚三餐。於是四處尋覓這麼長時段的高質buffet,找到Marriott。




還有其他tea buffet好介紹嗎?
一係唔食, 一係食最好

after your "buffet-tour", do u think Marriot is the best?
我覺得會令我再去的buffet有三間 -- Marriot, Shangri-la (金鐘), Hyatt (TST, K11).

而Marriot的Tea & Lunch buffet, 我都覺得非常好, 而tea buffet對我來講, 確實是best in HK, 因為時間長、座位舒適、食物款式相對較多及質素高.
is Marriot in PP??
Shangri-la hk also in PP right??
ye.... if both in PP, seems both View is good wor..
sounds like Shangri-la is "better"... haha, just for the Names...
haha, 視乎你要咩, Shangri-la食物款式多元化d, 不過佢無1-6pm的tea buffet嘛, 我鍾意hea一日呀
hello denlaw~ how are you??? i am back!!!

i am researching a buffet(brunch or tea) for my papa's bday..
after spending a afternoon research, i feel marriot is really good on the Long TIme.. but this Long TIme is not availible on Sunday..oopps.. i need to have the buffet in sunday..

how abt Hyatt? i found Hyatt is the 2nd best.. what do u think?
haha, 我都係轉左去shangri-la la! haha. coz i have the hsbc platium, after discount, more or less price as hyatt... and i feel shangrila food is Better..hehe..

p.s. 轉得幾快!? i am typical gemini
你真係好快, 我剛剛先睇到你個兩個同一日的留言

其實Shangri-la金鐘真係唔錯, 不過只係金鐘個間

九龍個間只有中菜及意菜好食, 不過你剛剛係意大利返黎, 香港的意菜你都係唔好食住
yeah! 好在我book HK個間!!!
haha. 因為諗住"橫掂都係食,食間好d"。hahahah!!!!


